In line with the FIFA Women’s Football Strategy 2024-27, FIFA has introduced six new programmes to the FIFA Women’s Development Programme as part of the rigorous efforts to develop the women’s game at all levels.
The new programs add to the existing seven for the FIFA Women’s Development Programmes, open to all 211 Member Associations (MA) and aimed providing them with funding and programmes as well as access to women’s football experts, equipment and technical support.
The six programs that highlight the renewed FIFA women’s development programme until 2027, incidentally, when the tenth edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup will take place, are:
- Global Benchmarking of Women’s Leagues Elite Performance: Coach Mentorship Elite Performance: Women’s National Team Preparation - Coach Education Scholarships (individuals) - Coach Education Scholarships (groups) - Commercial Strategy (pilot programme)
The new development programmes focus on key areas of football and structural development, tailored to the needs of each MA.
They will be added to the existing suite of Women’s Football Strategy, Women’s Football Campaign, League Development, Club Licensing, Capacity-Building for Administrators, Women in Football Leadership and Coach Mentorship.
Last year, FIFA it will be recalled and revised its global women’s football strategy with a view to setting the pace for the growth trajectory of our sport.
As part of this process, FIFA established a sharpened set of tactics and a game plan that are specific to women’s football.
To deliver on the ambitious objectives set out in the FIFA Women’s Football Strategy FIFA aims to increase the number of opportunities for girls and women both on and off the pitch.