Who really are the comeback kings? And who's the best off the bench?

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Manchester United's reaction was first-class - Frank Lampard

Character. Pogba. And Chris Smalling.

Manchester United needed all three as they conjured up one of the greatest Premier League comebacks to stun Manchester City at the Etihad Stadium on Saturday evening and cut short their rivals' title celebrations.

City will no doubt go on to win the league, but Jose Mourinho's side cannot lay claim to the title of top flight comeback kings this season.

That honour falls to Bournemouth - who picked up a point which dented Crystal Palace's chances of staying up.

Joshua King's equaliser means that Eddie Howe's side have collected 18 points from losing positions this season, three ahead of United, and almost half of their total points haul.

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Incredibly, there has been a goal in the 89th minute or later in each of Bournemouth's past seven Premier League games, with five of those affecting the result. So don't leave early!

Everton fans may well be surprised to see their team in third in this table - or in any table - but this campaign would have been a lot worse without those 13 points won after falling behind.

United's win at City means that they have won nine Premier League away games when trailing by at least two goals - four more than any other side in the competition.

But nobody comes close to the ultimate kings of the comeback - Newcastle United in 2001-02.

It turns out these lads really didn't know when they were beaten...

Sir Bobby Robson's team picked up an incredible 34 points from losing positions that year as they finished fourth and qualified for the Champions League.

On the flip side this season, West Brom have lost 26 points from winning positions, the most by a club in a single campaign since the 2012-13 season (Southampton 29 and Aston Villa 28).

They were at it again on Saturday. If they had held on to all three points they would be in eighth place.

Off the bench and off the mark Vokes wasted no time at all in finding Burnley's equaliser

It was a weekend where substitute strikers made telling contributions.

As well as King finding a leveller for the Cherries, Sam Vokes came off the bench to score for Burnley at Watford with his first touch, just 22 seconds after coming on - the fastest goal scored by a substitute in the Premier League this season.

But Vokes is well off the pace when it comes to the fastest ever impact - take a bow Sammy Ameobi.

The Bolton forward was at Newcastle in 2014 when he scored just eight seconds after coming on against Tottenham.

From bench to net - the fastest goals by a substitute in the Premier LeagueTimeDatePlayerResult8 seconds26/10/2014Sammy Ameobi (Newcastle)Tottenham 1-2 Newcastle15 seconds12/01/2008Antoine Sibierski (Wigan)Derby 0-1 Wigan17 seconds23/04/2011Andrew Johnson (Fulham)Wolves 1-1 Fulham18 seconds15/10/2011Apostolos Vellios (Everton)Chelsea 3-1 Everton18 seconds17/04/2010Yakubu (Everton)Blackburn 2-3 Everton

West Ham forward Javier Hernandez also came off the bench to score an equaliser at Chelsea - the fourth time he has scored as a sub against the Blues.

Only Julian Joachim has managed more substitute goals against a single team. The former Leicester and Aston Villa man scored five goals from the bench against Derby in the top flight.

Joining Hernandez on four against the same opposition are Robbie Keane (v Manchester City) and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer - who scored four against Nottingham Forest in 11 minutes in an 8-1 win in 1999.

'We never win at x'

Southampton put in a much-improved display at Arsenal but came away with the same old losing feeling, as Danny Welbeck sealed the points for Arsenal.

Defeat means that the Saints are yet to win in any of their 19 trips to Arsenal in the Premier League - an unwanted record.

One day Harry. One day...

It also meant that new boss Mark Hughes has now lost each of his 11 trips to Arsenal in the Premier League - with Blackburn, Manchester City, Fulham, QPR, Stoke and now Southampton.

Only Harry Redknapp - 15 attempts at Old Trafford - has had a longer wait for an away win against a single side in the competition.

Teams to have never won away at an opponentTeamOpponentGames without a winSouthamptonArsenal19SunderlandArsenal16SunderlandLiverpool16MiddlesbroughChelsea15How's your luck?

Huddersfield goalkeeper Jonas Lossl suffered some bad luck on Saturday when he saved a shot from Solly March only to see the ball bounce in off the back of his head. It meant that there have been more own goals scored in Premier League games involving Brighton this season than any other team (six in total - five conceded, Lossl's in their favour).

But that's still some way short of the record. Liverpool were involved in 11 own goals (six conceded, four going their way) in the 2013-14 season - defender Martin Skrtel weighed in with four.

Dunne it again...

Skrtel has seven own goals in the Premier League - level with Jamie Carragher - but nobody can touch the king of the own goal: Richard Dunne.

Dunne scored 10 during his career with Everton, Manchester City, Aston Villa and QPR.

Kante - no Phil Neville

N'Golo Kante brought up a century of Premier League appearances in Chelsea's 1-1 draw with West Ham.

With title wins in his first two seasons in the league - first with Leicester, then Chelsea - we thought he may be at the top of the list for the most wins in his first 100 games.

The France international has won 65 out of 100, a tidy sum, but just behind the best. The Frenchman is level with Nicky Butt but one behind Phil Neville and John Obi Mikel.

Here's the top five...

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Source: bbc.com